All across the U.S. tents are pitched in protest of big business. The international protest phenomenon "Occupy Wall Street" has now reached stay at home moms (SAHM) in the mid-west. Mothers of toddlers all across the mid-west are gathering in protest of toddlers who refuse to occupy their potty chairs and these moms mean big business! The mothers are demanding that their toddlers stop going "wee-wee" and "poo-poo" in their "big boy" and "big girl" pants and do their "business" in the potty like big boys and girls. Protesters grew alarmed when one toddler defiantly went poo-poo in his underwear during the protest. Police were called to the scene before any more pants were soiled.
Mothers carried protest signs and extra back-up pairs of undies while demanding free pumpkin-spice-soy-decaf-lattes, extra hot, be delivered daily at 3pm. They also demand the right to no longer watch Elmo Potty Time a dozen times a day. And furthermore require that all "big business" be done in private by both parties. Toddlers everywhere are encouraged to occupy their potty chairs immediately so that mothers can return home.
"Please. Please. Please. Go poo poo for mommy on the potty! And don't forget to flush and wash!" said local Brookings SAHM, when asked by reporters what the main message was that the Occupy Potty Chairs movement is trying to send.
The occupy movement's next big protest is in Sioux Falls, SD on Wednesday.
Mothers of potty-training toddlers are asked to not play Elmo Potty Time on the computer for the day but join the movement instead. Let's encourage toddlers everywhere to occupy our potty chairs and push for real success!