The last couple of weeks have been full of many different things. Thing 2 started Pre-K three afternoons a week and would love to move right onto college if I'd let him! He is very social and is always very anxious to get into the mix of things outside of home. He didn't even turn around and wave goodbye to hubby on his first day of school...ok then, confident and self assured, check! Yet still able to keep himself from jumping off the furniture - uncheck! Note the broken arm, the result of flying a bit too high off the couch two weeks ago. Thankfully he is a fast healer and just got his splint off yesterday.
The Things have also been busy catching butterflies and caterpillars, frogs and toads in our backyard. It is pretty fun raising them in a little bit of country. Eating copious amounts of raspberries and soaking up the last warm days of fall has also consumed their time.
Why, yes, Thing 2 does have a duct taped spiky box on his back...when he sees a box he sees his next project. This was his Koopa outfit that he made almost entirely by himself. (yay for independent projects!). It is amazing how many weapons and costumes can be made out of cardboard and duct tape. I had no idea!
Thing 3 is learning about a few important things in life - but just warming up to the idea really. Nothing major is underway in those departments.
After nearly 11 years of marriage and one month on sabbatical Hubby was finally able to finish off our bed frame that he started when we were engaged. It is absolutely beautiful and makes me want to sleep even more than chasing 3 boys does! Not sure if that is a good side effect but I'm not complaining.
A friend offered us some tickets to a football game and we had a great time! The Things mostly scurried around putting the cushions on the bleachers up and down but we did get to watch some of the game! It was not too cold yet to enjoy and fun to just be out as a family. Though admittedly after half-time I'd had my fill of squirrely boys and longed for that nice warm bed, so hubby got to take in the second half with his friends without us. All parties were happy with this arrangement.
Last week we were very blessed by some very good friends to go to CO last week without our kiddos. I'm somewhat proud (or should I be embarrassed) to say that it took a tribe to replace me for 3 1/2 days but it was really quite easy to line up all the volunteers to keep Things in order while we were away. Hubby and I attended an intense 3 day workshop assessing our giftings, values and personality types. We left having processed a lot individually and together and with a clearer picture of what we bring to the table and how to best apply it in our ministry. Thanks again to all the brave souls - esp. the two who stayed the nights with our boys - we couldn't have done it without you! And we hope all that time with our precious Things doesn't delay too much any parenting plans of your own! :)
1 comment:
Love hearing about the family and you, Sherry! I miss you and am extra thankful for your "online journal" (teehee) to keep me updated : ) Enjoying the pictures, too!
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