Hubby has one last trip to the Dells to wrap things up there and then we will officially start our sabbatical on the 15th. Can I hear a "whoot! whoot!" (or whatever the cool thing to say is these days).
Lately I have been thinking about stages and seasons of life. For your own entertainment here are a few along with a cute pic of Thing 3 in Grandma Graf's kitchen:
After having three of my own boys to observe up close I have divided and labeled their stages into my own categories.
0-12 months - Eat-Sleep-Poop-Drool Stage
12-18 months- Hunter and Gatherer Stage (as named by hubby)- when they see how many matchbox cars, etc. they can carry at once and keep from any other little people within the vicinity.
18-24 months - Seek and Destroy (self explanatory) Actually given my older boys' (and husband's) affinity for watching things fall down and blow up I'm pretty sure this stage lasts a lifetime.
24-36 months - All the Ability and NONE of the Common-Sense Stage. Case in point just the other day Thing 3 took a screw driver, walked over to an outlet and tried to insert it! Arghhhhh! Just trying to keep him alive is taking up most of my time!
Mixed in there somewhere and beyond are the lovely "Why?" stage and the "Watch Me!" stage that continue on for many fun filled years to come! :)
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