Somewhere in 2 Timothy chapter 4, maybe verse 7? (Phillips) "As for me I feel that the last drops of my life are being poured out for God. The glorious fight that God gave me I have fought, the course that I was set I have finished, and I have kept the faith."
What a beautiful picture of a man fully dedicated to God to the end of his days and the beginning of Paradise. To the end of himself and the beginning of Him. To the end of aimlessness, wasted days and years and to the beinning of making every day dedicated to Him for His eternal purposes.
This verse reminds me to take on the routine tasks of daily living with the same heart and passion for God that Paul expresses here...till every ounce of me is poured out in dedication to Him. It starts each day with the end of me and the beinning of Him. Making myself open to God putting His stamp of eternal value on that day. I often can't see the long-term worth of another load of laundry done (there probably isn't any!) but if my heart is dedicated, my mind is focused and my spirit is committed to Him - then I've done my part (by His grace alone) and will be out of the way for Him to do His...to the end.