Recently I went away for a glorious 3 days sans kids. It was hardest to leave T3 since he is still so little - but not so hard that I didn't enjoy myself. I attended a wonderful staff retreat for all the women laborers in our region. AND - bonus - I got to write a devotional for our time and share it with them. Funny how when you are going to teach on something God ends up teaching you a lot more on it than you ever thought possible.
The devotion was on spiritual gifts and this is what I shared (sorry it is in "speaking" form so just imagine my voice in your head reading it to you):
The Treasure that You Are – how God has gifted each of us.
Recently my middle son Ben turned 4 and he had his first friend party. Four or five little people came over each with their gift just for Ben. Incidentally his older brother Gabe watched longingly with green eyes as Ben opened each gift that was given just to him. Well, unlike trinkets and toys that we can give each other for special occasions like birthdays that are intended “just for us”, our spiritual gifts are really for the benefit of others. Lets read Romans 12:4 -8 and Eph. 4:11-13 to see what I mean.
As we read Romans and Ephesians the first thing that I notice about the gifts God has given us is that it isn’t a gift for us! These gifts that we have been given aren’t just for our own benefit so we can feel special or have a little piece of Jesus in each of us. They are there to help those around us. Each of these listed really benefits those around us more than it benefits the gifted one.
Let’s look at the list of the different gifts God has given us: serving, prophesying, teaching, encouraging, generosity, leadership, mercy, apostles, evangelists, and pastors. Serving – Outward focus. Prophesying – how many of you prophesy to yourself? Outward focus. Encourage – outward focus.
Whenever gifts are mentioned they are for the benefit of the body of believers, not just a blessing to one individual. When we keep this in mind we don’t need to be shy about them. We also don’t need to look with “green eyes” when our sisters develop and grow them because that gift she has it isn’t really for her anyways – it is for me! And we all have a gift – and we are all in the process of figuring them out and fine tuning them. As we do that we need to use them as they were intended, to bless others around us.
Just a few days ago I was so blessed to hear a speaker share Jesus’ heart for all of us. She used her unique talent for pottery along with her hard earned intimate knowledge of God’s love to bless and propel us toward Jesus. I left that time feeling closer to Jesus, more aware of His Intense love for me, and lighter in spirit in heart. I couldn’t help but bubble over His love on others for the rest of the day.
That is the effect we want to have with our gifts! We want to bless those around us but not just so they will like us or tell us how wonderful we are though let’s face it we all like that side-effect! We need to keep in mind the end goal is unity and maturity as we grow in our knowledge of God. We should aim to PROMOTE growth with our gifts.
Eph 4:12 (our gifts are there) to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Eph 4:13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
So this is what we are aiming for when we use our gifts. We are to “prepare” others for His work. Other versions say: equip, perfect, and train God’s people. When I use my gifting I should be focusing on equipping my sister with it. Be it through encouraging her. Helping her get organized with my gift of administration (this is not MY gifting btw). Taking her with me to share the Gospel because God has gifted me in evangelism. Drawing out nuggets of truth from His Word to bless someone else in the body.
Those are all examples of “preparing” God’s people around us.
I like how the MSG puts 4:13: MSG - 13 until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ.
I’m sure we have all experienced a time or two of working on a team that was just going nowhere. Discord and miscommunication were the hallmarks. In the end nothing is accomplished. This verse casts the vision of what can be achieved when everyone brings their best to the table for the purpose of promoting the growth of the body. It reminds me of one of those wonderful “Jane Austin dances.” Everyone moving in rhythm with the music and knowing their part. It all flows perfectly and everyone is blessed by the beauty that is achieved. (not to mention the really cool outfits they all wore!).
Ladies, when we are working within our sweet spot – our gifting which is just pouring through us, we will empower our sisters and brothers to move more gracefully in response to Jesus.
But sometimes we hold back, don’t we. Different things keep us from using our gifting to our full potential. I want to end our time talking about that.
I have always loved to write. As a young girl my friends and I would often write short stories to amuse ourselves and pass the time. Words have always come easily to me but only in the last 4 or 5 years have I given myself permission to explore and grow this talent. I had to work through fears of vulnerability, rejection and even seeing the worthiness of this pursuit. After all the world is filled with writers – and writing is just a talent, not even mentioned in the list of spiritual gifts.
The turning point for me was when I began to see that I truly could benefit the body with my writing craft. I became more confident and gave myself more permission to develop this skill. I also felt more confident to offer my help to others with their writing and in turn am blessed to know I’m helping them grow their God-given gift of teaching.
When we let our fears hold us back from trying out our gifts and talents, it reminds me of the parable of the talents in Matt. 25 – when the master gave three servants money to invest. The third servant was afraid and hid the talent and gave back to his master only exactly what he was given. The master was not pleased. Mat 25:29 For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
I hope I’m not making too much of a stretch in applying this to our gifting and what we do with them. Obviously Jesus is talking here about the kingdom of heaven. But I think the same principle can apply. We can’t let fear stand in our way of investing our gifts in people around us and reaping a harvest with them.
So often we can get tripped up – comparing our gifts or who is better at what, we think well she is soooo good at that and I’m on her team. That is my gifting too according to this test but obviously it isn’t needed. Shoot – even when I got an email yesterday that said Ronni and Marcia were the other two ladies sharing devotionals I had a small panic attack in my heart. What could I possible share that would even slightly measure up to the wisdom they will bring to us. See, I’m still learning to move past this one myself. Well, God uses multiples of things all the time doesn’t he? We have two hands, two eyes, two feet. Etc. This weekend will provide plenty of opportunity to watch each other with “green eyes” if we let it, just like Gabe watched Ben open his gifts. But lets move past that, shall we?!
Or maybe you are stuck in fear of failing yourself or Him. When I first came on EDGE that first “E” in EDGE really scared the heck out of me. I wasn’t sure what I even felt about evangelism, nor had I ever shared the gospel with a complete stranger before. But as I moved passed my fears of failure I discovered it is really pretty fun. And I even got to see gobs of women come to know Jesus that first year. I’m actually – this is a little embarrassing to admit – but I’m a little disappointed when I make an new friend and she already knows Jesus. I think, darn! I’d have loved to lead her to the Lord!
One last fear that trips us up is appearing self promoting. This was something I struggled with with my writing. How do I put my writing out there for all the world to see without appearing proud, etc. I’ve discovered that when I stop worrying about how I will come across and focus more on blessing that sister or brother next to me, I am free to use my gift how God intended – and it is all to His glory.
If we stay stranded in our fears of failure or rejection we will never use the gifts for what they were intended. Let’s use this weekend to let Jesus move us past whatever hinders us and lets encourage one another as we grow closer in unity and service to Him.
I pray we will all leave here more confident of His incredible love for us, more confident in the special gifts and talents He’s entrusted to us, and better prepared to bless others with those gifts and talents.
4:13: MSG - 13 until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ.

You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Proper Order
Well, I didn't win that writing contest. Shucks - no free writing conference for me. I knew it was a long shot but hey, you gotta try, right? I'm not trying to gloss over any disappointment here - it would have been fun to win and all - but I feel like I realized a few things about myself from not winning.
When I read the email saying I wasn't selected as the winner my very first reaction was shame. Whoa - where did that come from??? Why am I ashamed that I didn't win? It was fleeting but it was still there. What is it about failure that is so hard? Could it be that even after walking with God all these years, memorizing verses on my identity in Christ, spending countless hours studying and meditating on my value in Him - after all this my self-value is still wrapped up in my performance? When will I get it?! The feeling was fleeting - but it was still there.
I think I'm growing up out of this "my" credit (really, Who is in charge of the Growing here, we all know it isn't me) - a few years ago it would have taken me a week to even tell Jeff I didn't win...I told him within a few minutes. A year ago I wouldn't have even entered. And if I did, I wouldn't have told ANYONE about it, much less posted it for all the world to see. Much less encouraged anyone else to join in bc after all they will probably send in something way more impressive than I could ever write. After I read through the "rejection email", digested it, I looked around (literally at all my Things and hubby) at how abundantly blessed I am and I thought - "oh well. my life is pretty darn good."
I think I'm getting a little more used to rejection - which from what I here is essential to surviving in this world of writing. Partly, I'm just more confident that writing is something I should be doing and rejection is just part of the deal. Partly I'm realizing that the world's acceptance and praise isn't quite as important to me as it once was - things have fallen a little more into their proper order. I look around and see all the THINGs that are most precious to me and I feel a lot better about the day. Even more importantly, when I focus on who He is and what He has asked of me I'm not so worried about being accepted by everyone else. This frees me up to write, put myself out there, and keep on doing whatever He asks of me.
What has He asked of you? Do you have things in Proper Order so you are free to do it? I'd love to hear from you...and not just so you'll praise me (though that would be nice too! ;) )
When I read the email saying I wasn't selected as the winner my very first reaction was shame. Whoa - where did that come from??? Why am I ashamed that I didn't win? It was fleeting but it was still there. What is it about failure that is so hard? Could it be that even after walking with God all these years, memorizing verses on my identity in Christ, spending countless hours studying and meditating on my value in Him - after all this my self-value is still wrapped up in my performance? When will I get it?! The feeling was fleeting - but it was still there.
I think I'm growing up out of this "my" credit (really, Who is in charge of the Growing here, we all know it isn't me) - a few years ago it would have taken me a week to even tell Jeff I didn't win...I told him within a few minutes. A year ago I wouldn't have even entered. And if I did, I wouldn't have told ANYONE about it, much less posted it for all the world to see. Much less encouraged anyone else to join in bc after all they will probably send in something way more impressive than I could ever write. After I read through the "rejection email", digested it, I looked around (literally at all my Things and hubby) at how abundantly blessed I am and I thought - "oh well. my life is pretty darn good."
I think I'm getting a little more used to rejection - which from what I here is essential to surviving in this world of writing. Partly, I'm just more confident that writing is something I should be doing and rejection is just part of the deal. Partly I'm realizing that the world's acceptance and praise isn't quite as important to me as it once was - things have fallen a little more into their proper order. I look around and see all the THINGs that are most precious to me and I feel a lot better about the day. Even more importantly, when I focus on who He is and what He has asked of me I'm not so worried about being accepted by everyone else. This frees me up to write, put myself out there, and keep on doing whatever He asks of me.
What has He asked of you? Do you have things in Proper Order so you are free to do it? I'd love to hear from you...and not just so you'll praise me (though that would be nice too! ;) )
Thursday, April 22, 2010
65 degrees - that is swimsuit weather here on the prairie
We have so been enjoying the spring weather the past few days - actually, in the mid 70s it is pretty much like a cool summer day. I've been ignoring the housework and just enjoying our patio view of the boys running from the sprinkler to the trampoline to the sandbox and back again. I'm surprised they haven't worn a path in the grass between the three. The great thing about being outside soaking up the sun and blowing bubbles with your one-year-old is that you can't see all the dishes you haven't down yet from out there in paradise!
Happy spring!
p.s. - I'm holding off packing up the winter coats just yet - just to make sure spring stays (you know as soon as I do it will snow again!).
Happy spring!
p.s. - I'm holding off packing up the winter coats just yet - just to make sure spring stays (you know as soon as I do it will snow again!).
Monday, April 19, 2010
Please Pray Right Now
"On April 19th, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments to decide whether groups like The Navigators, InterVarsity, Campus Crusade and others can be removed from college campuses because they require their officers and voting members to share their core religious commitments. According to some universities these core religious beliefs violate their affirmative action policy.
Seventeen organizations and 13 state attorney generals are working together on this case. Pray for the justices to rule on the side of religious freedom. For more information on how to pray, go to This case has far reaching implications for religious freedom in all areas.
Let’s pray,
Bill Tell
Chief of Staff"
Seventeen organizations and 13 state attorney generals are working together on this case. Pray for the justices to rule on the side of religious freedom. For more information on how to pray, go to This case has far reaching implications for religious freedom in all areas.
Let’s pray,
Bill Tell
Chief of Staff"
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Funny Things
T1 - Mom, when you don't have that stuff coming out of your chest that T3 eats any more, you can have these (fruity Cheerios) for breakfast too! (I have no idea where that came from, seriously!).
T2 - Maw-ahm, T3 is spitting.
Me- He isn't spitting, hon, he is just drooling. Babies do that and they don't know what they are doing.
T3 - Yeah, and dogs and cats drool too.
T1 - while running on the treadmill tells me, "I can run as fast as a jet and a rocket."
Me - hmmm.
T1- yeah, I only do it when no one is looking.
Me - I see.
T2 - while doing crafts at the Earth Day thingy we went to, T2 says to the lady, "I want to make weapons. Can you help me make a sword and a spikey ball?" I can only imagine what was going through her "Earth Day" mind. But she smiled graciously and T2 came home with a foam sword - this is SD after all!
T2 - Maw-ahm, T3 is spitting.
Me- He isn't spitting, hon, he is just drooling. Babies do that and they don't know what they are doing.
T3 - Yeah, and dogs and cats drool too.
T1 - while running on the treadmill tells me, "I can run as fast as a jet and a rocket."
Me - hmmm.
T1- yeah, I only do it when no one is looking.
Me - I see.
T2 - while doing crafts at the Earth Day thingy we went to, T2 says to the lady, "I want to make weapons. Can you help me make a sword and a spikey ball?" I can only imagine what was going through her "Earth Day" mind. But she smiled graciously and T2 came home with a foam sword - this is SD after all!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Writing contest opportunity
I just submitted an article to this contest and if you like to write - YOU SHOULD TOO! :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Thing 3!
I'm having a hard time keeping up with the pace of events here - one birthday after another 3 boys in a row - whose idea was that anyways?! But alas, last week Thing 3 turned ONE! I can hardly believe my baby is entering the toddler years. Here are a few snapshots from our celebration.

Traditional birthday pancake breakfast.

Traditional...ahem...birthday baseball cake.

Reminds me of his Uncle Scott who wouldn't wear his birthday hat either.

Looking at his new Peter Rabbit book from Gramma.

Another successful birthday celebration - only one more boy-oh to go.
Traditional birthday pancake breakfast.
Traditional...ahem...birthday baseball cake.
Reminds me of his Uncle Scott who wouldn't wear his birthday hat either.
Looking at his new Peter Rabbit book from Gramma.
Another successful birthday celebration - only one more boy-oh to go.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Guess it is time to study up on Proverbs

A couple days ago I took a spiritual gifts test. It has been a good ten years since I've taken one of these. I think a few things have changed and some have stayed the same. As I read through the results it all made sense though. And it encouraged me to keep on doing what I'm doing, I'm on the right path. One thing I did learn is that I'm not nearly as WISE as I thought I was. Hmm, must be a flaw in the test...:)
It is funny how those tests get in your head though. This morning as I read through the first three (okay, the 40 day challenge said to do 3, but I only made it through 2 chapters before the boys appeared) chapters of Romans - I couldn't help but speculate what Paul's spiritual gifts were. Teacher - that one was easy. Evangelist - another give away. Exhortation. Not sure where he would fall on mercy...or any of the rest, like I said, the boys awoke, as they always do.
If you think you might want to take one - I ordered it from here. Though I'll warn you the shipping is pricey so order with a friend. And they don't take credit cards - just paypal and checks. I've been told if it has been more than 3 years it is helpful to retake it.
Monday, April 5, 2010
What Up with Egypt?
Remember the 40ish day challenge I talked about awhile back? Well today I finally finished Genesis. Part of me felt like it ended a bit on a downer. Joseph dies and knowing my OT history the Israelites who came to Egypt to escape death by famine were about to enter into 400(?) years of captivity. I couldn't help but wonder, why would God lead Jacob to the Promised land only to send him (and his people) packing to Egypt for centuries of slavery?
Sure I could speculate from my comfortable couch that the years of enslavement helped prepare them to really appreciate the land they were to take over. Or that were some great lessons God wanted to teach them in the process. But really - I have no idea why God does things they way He does. I know I trust Him. I know He is loving and faithful. But I don't always understand Him.
Often in the midst of those periods of "enslavement" that feel centuries long - I'm still left wondering, what the heck am I doing in Egypt??? I'm not in one of those periods right now - at least not all the time in my head. But the next time I am I know just how I'm going to pray - "Lord, what up with Egypt?" Are you with me?
Sure I could speculate from my comfortable couch that the years of enslavement helped prepare them to really appreciate the land they were to take over. Or that were some great lessons God wanted to teach them in the process. But really - I have no idea why God does things they way He does. I know I trust Him. I know He is loving and faithful. But I don't always understand Him.
Often in the midst of those periods of "enslavement" that feel centuries long - I'm still left wondering, what the heck am I doing in Egypt??? I'm not in one of those periods right now - at least not all the time in my head. But the next time I am I know just how I'm going to pray - "Lord, what up with Egypt?" Are you with me?
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Today I'm:
Today I'm:
Thankful for spring. Birds chirping, boys bouncing (outside finally!), tulips popping through bit by bit. It all makes me happy.
Wondering if we are making the right choice selling our house. Actually, I wonder that a lot. Then I talk it over with God again. And Jeff again. And then clean my house again for another showing, and start wondering all over again!
Wanting to find a time, way, topic to write more but am also hiding from this idea. Knowing full well what it really takes to write overwhelms me. I don't want to lose myself or my life as it is in the process.
Looking forward to Easter service tomorrow. And an egg hunt with my kids today.
Hoping I bought a ham big enough to feed 19 people. Thank goodness there will be plenty of sides and I told everyone ahead of time it will be casual - paper plates for sure!
Feeling content.
What about you???
Thankful for spring. Birds chirping, boys bouncing (outside finally!), tulips popping through bit by bit. It all makes me happy.
Wondering if we are making the right choice selling our house. Actually, I wonder that a lot. Then I talk it over with God again. And Jeff again. And then clean my house again for another showing, and start wondering all over again!
Wanting to find a time, way, topic to write more but am also hiding from this idea. Knowing full well what it really takes to write overwhelms me. I don't want to lose myself or my life as it is in the process.
Looking forward to Easter service tomorrow. And an egg hunt with my kids today.
Hoping I bought a ham big enough to feed 19 people. Thank goodness there will be plenty of sides and I told everyone ahead of time it will be casual - paper plates for sure!
Feeling content.
What about you???
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