Hubby and I celebrated 9 years of wedded bliss earlier this month! This was the first time we actually couldn't be together on our anniversary as he was out of state for a meeting, but we had a lovely dinner together without the Things before he left (thanks, Mom, for babysitting). Nine years ago I never would have dreamed up living on the prairie with 3 boys underfoot, but I am truly blessed by God's plans for us. The same little forces of nature that make my life stressful, messy and interrupted are also the ones that make it the most satisfying. Nothing is better than all snuggling in bed together on a lazy Sat. morning, esp. if it is AFTER 7am! I'm so grateful to be married to my best friend, he is truly making all my dreams of "happily ever after" come true.
And it was almost as cold that day as it was 9 years ago!
It was great having my mom here for a visit, esp. with hubby gone on that trip for part of the time. I am still flabbergasted that I caught all three Things smiling and looking at the camera - I think there should be some sort of reward for that or something.
Here is a close up of Piggy playing in the sandbox with the Things.
Hubby built a nice big sandbox for our growing boys. I think they enjoyed watching him dig, going to the quarry to get the sand and "help" fill it up about as much as they like the actual finished product.
Alas, one other big event was the release of Piggy back into the wilds of our raspberry bushes. This is one last photo session with him before we said our goodbyes. Thing 2 tells everyone he has to go hibernate. I admit to feeling a tinge of guilt with Thing 1 said "I'll miss you and I love you" as he let him hop off. But I'm mostly relieved to not have to clean out that smelly tank all winter.
The other night I grabbed the camera to take a picture of Thing 3 who is starting to crawl about and I saw this picture of meat on the camera. I found it ironic that this is what hubby chooses to take photos of, large pieces of meat on our grill, whilst I prefer to capture Our youngest son accomplishing early milestones.
And here he is under a table (thanks Jeff and Karen, we still love it and use it) and quite proud to have gotten himself there.
Oh, and this is who the meat was for. Hubby invited 14 guys from his BS over for dinner the other night and wanted to make sure we had plenty to feed them. At least half of them came and we are eating lots of pork these days! A good time was had by all.
1 comment:
thanks for sharing not only ministry with students, but also a realistic look at what family should be like - husband, wife, father, mother, home. Far too few models of that in our culture, and know that it has a huge impact on your ministry as well!
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