Yesterday T2 (3.5) commiserated that he didn't want to stay home with me, he wanted dad to stay home with him. I commented that someday he will grow up to be a daddy and have to go to work to make money to buy bananas (he was eating a banana at the time). He said, "will I work with Daddy?"
"Maybe, it depends on what you do."
"I want to be a super-hero. I want to be Spiderman, but I don't know how to spin webs. I'll have to go to school."
Well, if he grows up to be like his dad, he'll get half his wish...the super hero part.

You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Giant Porkloins and Piggy's Reintroduction into the Wild
Hubby and I celebrated 9 years of wedded bliss earlier this month! This was the first time we actually couldn't be together on our anniversary as he was out of state for a meeting, but we had a lovely dinner together without the Things before he left (thanks, Mom, for babysitting). Nine years ago I never would have dreamed up living on the prairie with 3 boys underfoot, but I am truly blessed by God's plans for us. The same little forces of nature that make my life stressful, messy and interrupted are also the ones that make it the most satisfying. Nothing is better than all snuggling in bed together on a lazy Sat. morning, esp. if it is AFTER 7am! I'm so grateful to be married to my best friend, he is truly making all my dreams of "happily ever after" come true.
And it was almost as cold that day as it was 9 years ago!
It was great having my mom here for a visit, esp. with hubby gone on that trip for part of the time. I am still flabbergasted that I caught all three Things smiling and looking at the camera - I think there should be some sort of reward for that or something.
Here is a close up of Piggy playing in the sandbox with the Things.
Hubby built a nice big sandbox for our growing boys. I think they enjoyed watching him dig, going to the quarry to get the sand and "help" fill it up about as much as they like the actual finished product.
Alas, one other big event was the release of Piggy back into the wilds of our raspberry bushes. This is one last photo session with him before we said our goodbyes. Thing 2 tells everyone he has to go hibernate. I admit to feeling a tinge of guilt with Thing 1 said "I'll miss you and I love you" as he let him hop off. But I'm mostly relieved to not have to clean out that smelly tank all winter.
The other night I grabbed the camera to take a picture of Thing 3 who is starting to crawl about and I saw this picture of meat on the camera. I found it ironic that this is what hubby chooses to take photos of, large pieces of meat on our grill, whilst I prefer to capture Our youngest son accomplishing early milestones.
And here he is under a table (thanks Jeff and Karen, we still love it and use it) and quite proud to have gotten himself there.
Oh, and this is who the meat was for. Hubby invited 14 guys from his BS over for dinner the other night and wanted to make sure we had plenty to feed them. At least half of them came and we are eating lots of pork these days! A good time was had by all.
Friday, October 9, 2009
What is coming up, please keep us in your prayers.
FOR THE WOMEN: Come have an "Apple Bake Off" on Monday from 10 - 4. Jo's tree is full of apples and we need to use 'em up!! Bring "staples" (e.g. flour, sugar, butter, shortening), your favorite recipe and pans. Spices will be provided. Place: Event will be at Bethel Baptist Church in the Event Center kitchen.
Slavery Still Exists
Next week, October 12-16, we are having an outreach called "Slavery Still Exists". This outreach will be centered around the issue of human trafficking. The goal is two-fold: to create awareness about the issue and to see students come to Christ.
We are very excited to be working together with several campus ministries in this effort! Below is information about the week, as well as ways that you can get involved and make a difference on campus.
Saturday, Oct. 10: Invisible Children (7:00pm, Lewis and Clark Room in Student Union)
Monday, Oct 12: "Slavery Still Exists" Orientation, Training, and Prayer (8 to 9:30 p.m., Waldner Room (269) in Union)
Training will include:
*Biblical mandate for evangelism
*Conversation starters
*Conversation transitions to the Gospel
*Sharing the Gospel 101
*Vision for believing God for divine opportunities to share during the event
Tuesday thru Friday: informational tables and displays in the Union, Larson, and Medary Commons
*You can sign up with your ministry staff to help with these tables during the week. Some of them will be information about human trafficking, causes, and solutions; others will be interactive displays where students can move from thinking about the issue to thinking about sin in their own lives and hear the gospel; come Monday night for training
*You will also have opportunities to share the gospel with friends or classmates throughout the week as you invite them to the Friday event or talk with them about how Christ can bring hope into issues like human trafficking; for more info, come to the orientation on Monday night
Tuesday, Oct 13: Prayer Summit (9:00pm, Dairy Micro 100)
Wednesday, Oct 14: Blood Diamond (8:00pm, Dairy Micro 100)
Thursday, Oct 15: Open Forum (5-7pm, Union Market)
Friday, Oct 16: Human Trafficking: Why We Should Care and What We Can Do ABout It (7:00pm, Rotunda D)
*Come and bring your friends! Mindy Kalee from World Hope's assessment center in Cambodia will speak about human trafficking and will give an invitation to respond to the gospel. She has frontline experience with victims of human trafficking and will bring a dynamic perspective on this issue and on how the gospel can change the world.
Slavery Still Exists
Next week, October 12-16, we are having an outreach called "Slavery Still Exists". This outreach will be centered around the issue of human trafficking. The goal is two-fold: to create awareness about the issue and to see students come to Christ.
We are very excited to be working together with several campus ministries in this effort! Below is information about the week, as well as ways that you can get involved and make a difference on campus.
Saturday, Oct. 10: Invisible Children (7:00pm, Lewis and Clark Room in Student Union)
Monday, Oct 12: "Slavery Still Exists" Orientation, Training, and Prayer (8 to 9:30 p.m., Waldner Room (269) in Union)
Training will include:
*Biblical mandate for evangelism
*Conversation starters
*Conversation transitions to the Gospel
*Sharing the Gospel 101
*Vision for believing God for divine opportunities to share during the event
Tuesday thru Friday: informational tables and displays in the Union, Larson, and Medary Commons
*You can sign up with your ministry staff to help with these tables during the week. Some of them will be information about human trafficking, causes, and solutions; others will be interactive displays where students can move from thinking about the issue to thinking about sin in their own lives and hear the gospel; come Monday night for training
*You will also have opportunities to share the gospel with friends or classmates throughout the week as you invite them to the Friday event or talk with them about how Christ can bring hope into issues like human trafficking; for more info, come to the orientation on Monday night
Tuesday, Oct 13: Prayer Summit (9:00pm, Dairy Micro 100)
Wednesday, Oct 14: Blood Diamond (8:00pm, Dairy Micro 100)
Thursday, Oct 15: Open Forum (5-7pm, Union Market)
Friday, Oct 16: Human Trafficking: Why We Should Care and What We Can Do ABout It (7:00pm, Rotunda D)
*Come and bring your friends! Mindy Kalee from World Hope's assessment center in Cambodia will speak about human trafficking and will give an invitation to respond to the gospel. She has frontline experience with victims of human trafficking and will bring a dynamic perspective on this issue and on how the gospel can change the world.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"Dedicated" Apple Pickers
Thing 3 wearing the sweater I finally finished...just in time to be almost too big for it! At least he got to wear it for his dedication today.
Things 1 and 2 wearing the sweaters Grandma made them...for some reason the Sunday school teacher told me she had a hard time telling them apart today. I have no idea why they are laying on the floor, I've given up trying to figure them out! Just the other day I found them each wearing at least 6 pairs of underwear at once...I decided they were all still clean and ordered them to put all but one pair away! Guess I need to be more specific when I send them downstairs to get dressed.
Our new Senior Pastor and T3.
Hubby said a prayer for T3 while the other 2 Things inspected the equipment on the stage in lieu of standing still.
T3’s Dedication Prayer
Our Heavenly Father,
We are thankful for the gift from You of our son. In your Word it says that ‘Sons are a heritage from you, and children are a reward. Help us to always treasure and value (T3) keeping this truth in mind. Your Word goes on to say, ‘Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth.’ Sherry and I ask for your help, guidance and direction to know how to raise and train (T3), so that when he is grown he can join in advancing your Kingdom and your glory. To this end, help us to instill in him a vision and passion for you and your ways. Help us to model for him what it looks like to love and follow you. And we pray that you would safeguard the teaching and instruction he receives from us and from the church so that from an early age he would know you as his savior, he would grow in not just knowing about you, but knowing you, and that when he is grown he would be a man of God who loves you and leads others into your kingdom. Amen.
We went apple picking yesterday...the boys have been gorging on apples ever since. Hopefully I'll have some left to make apple crisp.
They take you out to the orchard in a horse and cart. It is pretty fun even if it is a bit of a rip-off to hubby who grew up with his own orchard! The memories are worth it though!
I accidentally had the camera on this strange setting, but the pics actually turned out kind of neat I think.
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