It has been awhile since I've posted, but it is not for lack of things going on, mainly because of all of them. I'll start with the most recent and work my way back.
After nearly a year of no big asthma flare ups, Thing 1 is back on the neb. Hubby and I are trying to figure out what has changed and why this latest cold got it going when others haven't. It is a good reminder that we didn't need of what it feels like to be up every few hours (doing treatments) which by the way hubby is once again my hero and always the first to get up and help out whoever is coughing or crying. I am grateful that we have gone this long without a flare-up and hope to have another year off after this cold passes. I'm also grateful for medicine that allows him to breath.
Last night Hubby and I went down memory lane with 100 or so students that showed up at Nav Nite to hear us talk about Dating. We shared our dating story and pretty much covered it all from emotional to sexual purity and then some. The students wrote down some questions we will write out answers for since we ran out of time. Pray for us as we want to answer them wisely. They run the gamut from "What are good books to read on dating?" (I'll take that one) to "My boyfriend and I are both Christians and we are sleeping together, what should I do?" (I'll let Hubby take that one). :)
As we talked with students afterwards it seemed that the info we gave was well timed and spurred a lot of discussion. Already, Hubby has two guys wanting to meet and talk more. I don't mind if they don't agree with all the things we shared, I just want them to start thinking and talking about this. Hopefully sharing from our mistakes and advice we did take will help them along toward healthy relationships and marriages someday. It was really fun getting to speak together and a treat for me to be at Nav Nite.
For Superbowl weekend Hubby hosted a party while I was off on a quick trip to see family. I saw some pretty interesting video of what goes on while I'm away...Things 1and 2 jumping off the gigantic crock we have, and playing football with 45 students cheering them on in the living room. Hmmmm. I'm not complaining I know I am utterly spoiled by Hubby to be sent out to visit family all on my own. It was a GREAT time to meet my newest nephew and get to hang out with all of the fam. I also satisfied almost all my pregnancy food cravings from two and a half pregnancies and amazingly didn't get scolded for my weight gain by my MD.
The latest fad in our house has been Army. - T2s obsession for over 2 weeks now. And when I say "obsession" I mean from the moment he wakes up he wants to be dressed in camo from head to toe, and as soon as it is time for pjs he asks if he can wear it again tomorrow. He also doesn't trust me to put it away, but has to put his outfit away himself so he knows just where it is in the morning. There was great weeping and gnashing of teeth when I stupidly announced I would be washing it one night after pjs were donned and so Hubby had to sneak it out of his drawer while I distracted him.
The boys both like playing army while they hunt down monsters in their basement, look for birds with their binoculars - taking them everywhere including the grocery store, and shooting animals out the front window with their toy rifles. Guess they got that from their Grandma who has been known to kill a few furry creatures out her very own kitchen window back on the farm. It has been a good season of them really enjoying playing together (when they aren't bugging each other that is). The other morning as T1 left for school T2 said, "When you get home will you play Army guys with me?" T1 - "Yeah, maybe after I play by myself a little bit" (spoken like a true introvert like his Dad.... and people pleaser like his Mom). I'm just thankful he has moved on from the not so winter friendly Brazilian soccer outfit. Speaking of, guess what T1 asked to wear the last two wintry days...
T1 keeps us laughing with his funny "all grown up" expressions. He "gets" things that T2 doesn't and shares private smiles with us. My baby is growing up! But he still has his funny little boy moments like telling me yesterday that my belly button is disappearing and not so funny comments like "Wow, your bottom is getting big, your belly is getting big," etc., etc. And some endearing moments as well like last week when he announced he was placing his purple painted ceramic cat from some craft time somewhere on my dresser with "your special things, Mom". He noticed after their decapitation I'd moved them to my room for safe keeping and he carefully placed his work of art right next to them methodically placing it on my dresser.
Well, it is down to just 7 more weeks until T3 is due....I'm still undecided on names. So if you have made it this far in reading then you can do me the honor of emailing me some of your ideas. :)
1 comment:
I thought Gus was a top pick back in the day. Errr...maybe it was Jeff's top pick?? you know if it's a boy or girl? I can't remember if you found out??
Well. If it's a girl you can go with Ruth and call her Ruthie??
Can't wait to see what you have!!
p.s. Did you find those maternity pants you were looking for? I officially got my clothes back from my friend and looked through them myself and didn't see them. Then I shipped them off to my sister-in-law. It's baby land around us--6 born within 3 weeks!!!! I've got to admit, I've got the baby bug after holding all these little ones. Patience is the word though :)
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