Digging for fossils....Grandpa would be so proud!

Hubby couldn't resist messing with the tornado.

I always wondered how my kids did napping for babysitters. Not too long ago the sitter found Thing 1 napping on the stairs. I think this was her attempt at keeping him safe.
One highlight of the year was Thing 1s first experience Ice Fishing. He did great and ate his fill of treats during the 5 hours on the ice! I don't think they could bring enough treats to keep me out there that long!
I wanted to put more photos up of our visits with family and friends over break but I don't think I'll ever get this long overdue post done if I wait to download any more! Overall we had wonderful visits with my mom from CA who wanted (and got) a white Christmas. We also enjoyed great time in WI with family and had a fun visit from friends from down south. I would have liked to gone to them (and vise-versa) to have some of their great weather, but they got to experience New Years Eve in negative temps...always a great start to a new year.
We are gearing up to another busy semester as the students will return in just a few days. Of course we will kick it off with our annual Sled Fest and there should be plenty of snow. I'll just pose as the snowman this year and skip the sledding. Speaking of looking like snowman, Thing 3 continues to grow on schedule and I'm officially in my third trimester. Speaking of being 28 weeks along, I think I'll sign off for now and go take a nap while the other Things are still napping!
Happy New year!
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