Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Ways We Pray

Lately we've been trying a little experiment at mealtime to encourage our kids to pray before they eat. Frankly it all came out of a moment of exasperation for me; it just didn't seem to set the right tone for praying when I had to yell and threaten my kids to say "Grace." So one morning a week or so ago I informed the Things on the spot that from then on I would be praying at breakfast, Thing 2 at lunch and Thing 1 at matter what! I also told them that they could decide how we would "fold our hands" when it was there turn to pray. This has turned my frowns and frustrations into smothered smiles and heartfelt prayers. The boys love coming up with creative ways to "fold their hands" and belt out heartfelt prayers without resistance.

Last week we sat in Guadalajara's (the only local AUTHENTIC Mexican restaurant...a requirement for me before agreeing we were "called" to minister here, that along with a Starbucks) and Thing 2 informed us we needed to put our hands behind our heads in order to pray. We obliged and I'm sure incurred a bit of interest from onlookers. We have also had some charismatic prayers with our hands lifted high. Tonight we all put our index fingers on our nose to say grace.

Sometimes they are silly stances, and sometimes not so far off the mark, like when we fold our arms across our chest. Even though the words are right, "Thank you for God. Thank you for the bananas..." (Okay, mostly right, he's 2!). Anyways, even though the words are right I find that often my heart isn't, and my arms folded across my chest is a more honest reflection of how I'm feeling. Now the Things really aren't trying to teach me a lesson on prayer by their creative approaches, but I have a feeling that God is doing just that. I'm humbled and grateful that He accepts me no matter my stance, inside and out, and patiently works with me until I'm back in the right position inside. I don't really think He gives a hoot about the outside; if He does I guess we have some answering to do about the ways we pray at dinner!

So now it is your turn. What has God taught you through your little theologian(s)? I'd love to hear and know I'm not the only one God humbles through her (his) kids!

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