Wednesday, May 29, 2019

3 Pics of Life with Boys 🤔🙄😳

When you ask your teen to save the box top. 🤔

When your teen randomly buys a stuffed kitty at a garage sale and then doesn’t know what to do with it. 🙄

When a boy goes to get a snack in the middle of a nerf battle???🤪

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I Blinked

I blinked and these three turned 15, 13 and 10! How did that happen?! We had so much fun celebrating each of them - my spring babies.

Thing 1 had a bunch of guys over for football and battlefront and lots of pizza!

Thing 3 celebrated with cheesecake and lasertag with a couple good buddies.

Thing 2 had his bday on spring break in AZ and requested this shirt!

But before we left we managed to surprise him with a Narplings party!