Friday, May 16, 2014

Making Ripples

Whenever I hear a leadership message I immediately filter it through my mommy brain and ask, How can I translate these leadership principles into my mothering?  
This morning I heard a wise man speak on how to be an influencer of generations. I have to start with the generation that is under my care every day. Yet, right now I as I write I can hear one of them whining downstairs in protest of my instruction to go use the restroom. I hesitate applying what I just learned, If I can’t seem to influence them to potty in time, how can I train them in the eternal weighty things? The four principles the speaker listed seemed so straightforward this morning…and then I came home. :)

Still the charge God has given me is clear and the goal worth giving it my all. My job, as the speaker summed up (and I mommy-translated) is to be a faithful messenger of the love and grace God extends to my children. I’m to train them to live by His safe guidelines for their lives by pointing them continually to His life-giving Words. These are the Words that will make the biggest difference. As a result of routine training over the next 10 - 15 years, hopefully they will grow to be the kind of men that will influence others in these same principles.

As I reflected on the message I asked myself, Am I leading them to You daily? Both directly – through reading and memorizing the Bible together and prayer.  And indirectly – with my actions, attitudes and words?  There’s the rub.  It’s the day in and day out that gets me, where my sin shines the brightest in my impatient tone and begrudging routine service. 

It is an impossible task – to lead them perfectly every moment of every day.  I feel overwhelmed. I can’t do it. I can have a quiet time with them but I can’t hide my sin.  Why would they want to imitate my imperfect faith? But then He asks me, “What if you stopped hiding from your sin and modeled repentance?” It’s humbling, but affective, when I look in their little eyes and give them a full apology for my mistakes in parenting. That’s when I see Him working through my mistakes, turning them into living examples of grace for them to remember.

What if the right attitude and clear eternal goals in the heart of one mom radically changed everything in the lives of three little men? What if they grew up to be influencers in His Kingdom because of the choices I make today?  What if what I’m doing now in my little house within in my neighborhood nestled in my city someday impacts the world?

That is what the speaker on leadership tried to get us to see. That is what he meant when he talked about a ripple in a pond making a bigger impact than a single splash.  I’m here…cleaning dishes, scrubbing toilets, sometimes patiently talking through tantrums and squabbles…but I’m making ripples. If I do it with love and obedience to His Ways, then they will be ripples that imprint His Message on their hearts. Ripples that will go much farther than my two feet will ever travel.  Ripples that just might change the world.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spring Celebrations - Utterly Blessed

In March Thing 2 turned 8!  
Much to my dismay he requested rollerblades. Be still my mothers heart, there are a lot of big hills in our town! I instructed his father to buy as much protective gear as possible. :)
Two weeks later Thing 3 turned 5. I'm almost over being sad that my baby is a real big boy now.  Almost. 

Then in May Thing 1 turned 10! We surprised him with a room makeover while he stayed overnight at a friends. 
Since it is his golden bday he had a golden cake!
For Mother's Day the boys surprised me with a lunch out to Steak and Shake. Yum! I loved that they thoughtfully planned a place for us all to enjoy. 
I'm very blessed to be a wife and mom to these men, big and little. I'm not sure my heart could get much fuller. This morning I meditated on 1 John 4:12-no one has ever seen God, but when we love one another His love is perfected in us and He abides in us. I can't see God- but with every little boy smile or kiss, and hug from my hubby, I know He is here. And He has utterly blessed me. Not bc I deserve it, but bc He is Love (1 John 4:10).
And the Starbucks and tulip delivery from my amazing husband are just icing on the top.