You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Kid's Say the Darndest Things
We have a rule in our house that if you don't know what a word means you can ask and you won't get in trouble for using it. About a week ago we oh so joyfully and peacefully and not-snapping-at-all at each other decorated the tree after countless days of begging from one of our more party oriented sons. It took longer than normal being in a new home and figuring out where everything should go.
I often feel the tension to want to create special holiday memories but still maintain some sanity and order with three little men. Not too worry, my kids are bound to say or do something memorable along the way. And though I'm a little nervous about what you will think about me as a parent, or my missionary children, I have to write this one down so I don't forget it in years to come.
After the tree was up we were discussing where to put the extra lights when one of my sons volunteered, "I know where you can hang them, Dad."
"Oh, where is that?" hubby replied.
"You can hang them on your A_ _" he cheerfully suggested.
Hubby and I exchanged the: Did he just say what I think He said look across the room. Yes, yes he did. Do we laugh or scold or both???
Then he followed it with, "What's an A _ _?"
Hubby quickly took him into the other room away from his other brothers to explain what that meant. It was all for naught though bc a few mins later he returned to the peanut gallery on the couch chanting, "Hang them on your A _ _! Hang them on your A _ _!"
"Well okay, boys, decorating is done! Let's go play!"
Just a few days after that incident Thing 3 (who is now a whopping 4 1/2 years old) announced to me, "Mom, I'm a heavy drinker."
"Really?" (again totally perplexed where they pick up these phrases, we don't have cable and never watch TV except for the Packers of course).
"Yeah, I drink a lot of Almond Milk."
"Oh, okay." I decided it would be too complicated to explain that one to him so I just let it drop.
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