I'm sorry for the long absence for those of you who look here for frequent updates. I hope to do better in April. :)
March began with our whole family making the 13 hour trek to our future hometown in CO. We spent a great week with some wonderful friends that know how to serve us to no end, watching our kids for endless hours, fed us and sheltered, and prayed for us in the stretching ups and downs of house hunting. What a blessing they are to us! We were excited to find the perfect home through a strange series of events only God could design on our last day there. The boys are extra excited it is a two-story home and comes with a giant playset that in Thing 2's words is "epic"! God cares even about the little things (that are big to little Things)!
Since our return mid-March we have jumped right back into our best semester ever of ministry. What a wonderful way to end our 7 years of ministry here. I am LOVING being on campus more as two of three kids are in school and time permits. I'm writing and leading a study on Purity bright and early every Friday morning with about 20 - 25 awesome college gals and the best ever co-leader. We are also packing up our entire house, minus all the stuff we are pitching, donating, and selling (ahhh that feels good!) and move out of our current home this weekend since it sold so quickly (PRAISE GOD!).
We aren't saying goodbye to the prairie yet, that will come end of May. We will take up residence a bit south of town in a beautiful little two-bedroom lake home trailer. It will be tight but it is a huge blessing to not have to pack up all our belongings twice as this home is fully furnished! Our friends are so generous to let us stay there, another Provision from God for us!
Throw in the mix hubby and I speaking at Navs this week on dating (fun), a Nav women's retreat we planned and taught at this past weekend (amazing time with amazing women) and another upcoming teaching time for moms I need to finish writing!
By God's pure grace I'm enjoying all these things and most-of-the-time I'm not really too stressed. I feel overwhelmed when I try to do it all on my own, but with the help and prayers of many friends it is all coming together.
Thanks for praying for us!

You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
God Provides! - A qucik life and ministry update!
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