You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Rejoicing in Her Gain
The morning of her passing anniversary (why don't we have a word for that in our language?) I read from a devotional that was recently given to me. The dated entry challenged the reader to thank God for our trials. I pondered this through my tears for a few minutes that early morning at my kitchen table. Would God really ask me to thank Him for Heather's death and all the grief it caused? Knowing that the author of that devotional could never know each and every situation the reader was encountering on a particular day I did not want to read into what is not there. Does scripture ask that of us?
From what I know of Him, He chooses to weep with us when we weep (John 11). From what I know of heaven, it is an amazing awesome place beyond words of anyone who has seen it can accurately describe (Rev.). From what I know of Heather, she is there right now (John 5:24). I grieve my loss but rejoice in her gain. I also grieve not as one who has no hope of seeing her again, but as one who has the hope of heaven. And I look forward to hearing her laugh once again on the other side of heaven.
Two years ago I was not at this place. The pain is still acute but I'm able to see more clearly past my loss into her gain. I can't understand God's economy in these things nor will I try to defend Him and His ways. All I can do is look to the hope set before us and do my best to honor her life by living each day I receive to the fullest just as she did.
John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."
Friday, June 10, 2011
Planting Seeds and Picking Fruit
It is so exciting to see God at work here in the Dells!!! For months (years, even!) many have been dreaming, hoping and praying for this STP to come together. One of the things that excited me the most when I first heard of this opportunity was the possibility to reach many nations from this one little town in the middle of WI. Already students and staff have been able to share the Gospel with people from the Ukraine, Russia, China, Columbia and more! Two women from Asia prayed to accept Christ yesterday and one man from Russia just this morning! Two other women from UW-Madison indicated they desired a relationship with God after hearing of His love for them. Hubby got to share the Bridge along with another staff guy, with one of these gals on Tuesday when our entire program went to Madison for a day of training and initiative evangelism. Please be praying for the three new believers and the other two who may or may not still be "on the fence"! I was just praying through Colossians 1:9:10 (as I was attempting to memorize it) this morning for them. Won't you join me in prayer right now for them?
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,"
So far I personally have not had (or taken?) the opportunity to go out and share with our students; but I hope to soon! In many ways I feel like being a mom has taken me off of the "front lines" of the battle. I'm still in the army, just farther back in the lineup. This is true in some ways and not in others (see Ministry from my couch entry). Either way I'm learning to be content no matter my position, knowing that we all play a part.
Pictured above: Two lovely ladies that I have the pleasure of spending extra time with (AKA discipling) this summer. We are taking in the Memorial Day Parade with three rowdy little boys who loved the firetrucks but were disappointed that no candy was handed out!.
This morning I sat in our van with one of these ladies talking about life, God and praying together. She had to meet me at the dentist instead of a coffee shop b/c apparently Thing 1 is growing in teeth faster than he is losing them. That is just how discipleship and motherhood goes sometimes! Anyways we were having a QT together and the devotional (that a dear friend and mentor had just given me) seemed to be written just for her today. I love it when that happens. I listened to her dreams and challenges for the summer. I shared with her some of the blessings and challenges of being a mom at an STP. Later she texted me some verses from 1 Cor. 12 about all the members of the body being arranged by God and even the weaker parts are indispensable. This is an encouraging reminder that even though my heart is there to be spreading the seeds and picking fruit, my supportive role in helping these things happens is just as important. We all play a part. Your prayers and partnership are vital as well and we so appreciate you! Thanks you!!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Two Beautiful Days
Yesterday was our first "Program Day" where everyone comes together to do something. Some weeks it will be an outing, other weeks it will be doing evangelism (look out UW -Madison, we are headed your way!). God blessed us with a gorgeous day at Devil's Lake state park and some really awesome Madisonites blessed us by setting up and running a climbing wall for us to enjoy all day. The Things ran around in a frenzy from student friend to friend playing volleyball, rock climbing, swimming, eating tons of chips and watermelon, hiking, etc. We all had a wonderful day together and that 100% chance of downpour at 1pm didn't happen just as I asked Him (yay God). For many students it was their first day off of work and a much needed time to kick back and have fun.