Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Praising Him!

Thank you for praying for our conference! These are pictures of the mugs that each woman received after the Sat. morning session. It was really fun to surprise and spoil them with lots of great giveaways but this one was one of my favorites. Sat. morning we had a guest speaker/potter from The Potter's Heart ministry. She had the whole room in tears as she poured out her story and demonstrated God's love for us through Potter/Clay verses while throwing a pot! I commissioned her to make a mug for each woman to take home and she agreed! What a labor of love!

I don’t know how to begin to describe all the work He did. I’m so humbled He allowed me to be a part of it. Over 200 women were there including staff. One of the speakers was my roommate (and good friend :)) and I know she personally talked with 20 – 30 women who came to confess and seek healing from past sins, addictions etc. and/or sexual abuse. HUGE strides were taken and the women are just beginning the healing work. Praise God for all He did and will continue to do!!! It was truly amazing to watch God at work! Thank you for your prayers – I needed them as well as everyone else involved – esp. with the logistics of adding an unexpected day due to weather.

I came home to tell hubby I have a new appreciation for all he does when directing a conference – and he in turn related a new respect for life with Thing 3 (who developed the art of climbing out of his pack and play while I was gone).

Please continue to pray for all the women involved and that the work won’t stop there but that they will share all they learned and spread God’s message of healing and redemption to many lives around them.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wonderfully Made

Well, I know it has been a long and lonely silence and for that I am sorry. And I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Tomorrow I leave for our Upper Midwest Navigator Women's Conf. The theme is "Wonderfully Made" from Psalm 139:14. Over 50 jackrabbits will be coming to join over 200 women from all over our region in Rochester, MN. Would you please pray right now for our time? I have been working with a great team of folks long and hard to put this conference together (ergo the lack of blog posts). It is my greatest wish that God will eternally impact in the hearts of the women attending. The talks will center around the fact that we are Made By Him, Redeemed By Him and Empowered By Him. We will also have an incredible guest potter/speaker sharing with us. Thanks for partnering with us in prayer! And pray for Hubby too as he is on his own with all 3 Things the next few days!!!