Currently all of our student friends that are in a Bible study are working through the 40 Day Challenge. Basically it is a reading plan for the next 40 days that takes about 30 minutes a day - though it always takes me longer. Sometimes it is due to my lack of caffeine and subsequent ability to focus. Sometimes it is because I grabbed my Amplified Bible and it has a lot more words in it than others (but I just LOVE words so the more the merrier). Sometimes it is just that I have the whole morning to pick it apart and get something more meaningful than a cursory glance and check off the to-do list allows. Like this morning thanks to my wonderful husband who has taken the kids as he does for a few hours each week so I can get on campus, work on BS, have a quiet time, do things that recharge me (like writing!).
This morning it took me about an hour and I know with my busy schedule (and when I say "busy" I'm referring more to the three little men in my life than anything I actually accomplish) it will take far more than 40 days to accomplish.
As you read through the passage you are supposed to answer two questions:
1) Who is Jesus? 2) What does He want me to do? Simple enough.
So without further ado (adu - no - adieu - nope...sorry my spelling is failing me)...
Mark 10- 12Who is Jesus? (my limited lens, not necessarily theologically accurate)
- Popular teacher among the common people like you and me
- Unpopular teacher among the teachers
- Cuts to the heart of the issue ("'because you know so little of the meaning of love...'"(10:5 - Phillips)
- Loves little children more than "important" people who think He is important (10:14)
- Son of Man sent to suffer, die, rise again (10:34)
- Came to "serve and give His life to set many others free" (10:45)
- Even He got a little cranky when He missed His afternoon snack - this is someone I can relate to! (11:14)
- Zealous over keeping holy things/places holy (11:15)
- Encourager to men to have faith and believe and act on our belief (11:21)
- Wise in dealing with the opposition(11:29)
- Saw through the hypocrisy of others (12:15)
- Patient Teacher and corrector of the Truth (12:24)
- Doesn't tolerate religious hypocrites (12:43)
- Notices the sacrifices of others (12:43)
What does He want me to do?- Really LOVE those around me, beginning with my husband (this LOVE has nothing to do with my roller coaster emotions)
- Love and bless the children in my life in His name - welcome them into "busy and important" life by choosing them over the busy and important adults in my life
- Love Him more than any possession
- Understand who He is - the Son of God - and why He came - to save me(10:32)
- Become a servant rather than demanding to be served
- If it is Holy, keep it Holy (11:17)
- Have faith, pray big, and believe it will happen (11:22)
- Love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength (12:30)
- And my neighbor as well as I love myself (12:31)
- Don't use religion for my own social gain (12:38)
- Give generously remembering generosity is measured by sacrifice, not by dollar amount.
- Praise others when they do the above rather than myself.
Most of our students are really enjoying the 40 Day Challenge. It is a great tool for helping us all get back in the habit of spending time with Him every day. What about you? What have you been reading lately? I'd love to learn from you.