- ohhhh, just little THINGS like - the holidays, traveling, Thing 3 getting into everything all day long, getting our house ready to sell (and my closets look awesome BTW and I actually drag my friends into my bedroom these days to show them and one actually asked if I redecorated - no I just cleaned HA!), hosting, hosting, hosting ministry, friends, Bible studies...no reason really!
Why don't I work out more?
- ohhh, just that this is what happens when I was on my treadmill this morning and Thing 1 was home for a snow day and apparently decided he was missing art class at Pre-K so he made his little brother into his art project.
Why do I LOVE Crayola?
- ohhhhh, just Because they invented washable markers. And why am I patting myself on the back - somehow I didn't lose my cool, just let them clean it up and I had the foresight to purge my house of almost all permanent markers awhile ago. Must have been the Holy Spirit that made me do that so I didn't ring their little necks today!
Why do I LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband?
- ohhh, just because after I texted him a pic of Thing 2 with the caption of "And how is YOUR day going?" he called me and asked to take us all to Culvers for lunch. YAY for husbands who love their wives so well - and I could go guilt free b/c I worked out! :)
We crammed tons of students into our house once again for the annual sled-fest last monday. A good time, many games and only two knee injuries were had by all!