Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My baby turns 3

I can hardly believe 3 years have passed since Thing 2 came into our world. We celebrated with a fun party last night complete with an Army cake, triple chocolate ice cream (he picked out the flavor, I swear!), and a blur of flying wrapping paper. It is good we celebrated last night because this morning hubby and I were pretty much comatose after being up a bit with him and a not so well timed asthma flare up.

When I was "sleeping" I was really just dreaming about going into labor and feeling conflicted about T2 having to share his bday with a baby brother or sister. Whether it was all the dreams or it is really reality, I feel convinced this baby will be here within a few days. Time will tell. And then I'll really remember what it is like to make coffee while mostly asleep.

Despite our fatigue we rallied for a traditional pancake breakfast complete with a #3candle and little plastic army guy. We all took turns sharing what we like about Thing 2 and this is how the conversation went:
T2 - "I like army guys"
T1 - "I like T2 b/c he is my friend"
Hubby - "I like T2s eyes b/c they remind me of his mom's" (ahh)
T1 - "I like that he plays hide and seek with me"
Me - "I like his smile b/c it is so cheery"

Thank you, Abba, for T2 and his funloving presence in our lives. We pray he will grow healthy and strong and in the knowledge and acceptance of Your love for him this year.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Good to know

Last week Thing 1 got up from the dinner table halfway through the meal to use the facilities (it seems we can't make it through any meal without some Thing getting down at least once. I'm never praying for patience again). Anyways, not wanting to miss out on conversation he hollered to me from his new "seat", "Mom, do you know what I pray when I'm on the potty?" Intrigued I inquired further (wouldn't you?), and he answered, "I pray, 'Please God...don't let me have diarrhea!". Good to know. Apparently he still remembers the stomach bug he had (and shared with all of us) last December.

They both keep us laughing pretty much continuously. I'm trying to remember a funny story about Thing 2 but my pregnant brain is failing me.

We are really enjoying some warmer temps here...spring is here for now. Signs of spring around here are: two happy boys playing in the mud in our driveway, Countless hours at the park, Jeff's face. Yup, you read it right. I haven't seen it all winter and with the warmer weather he finally decided to shave his beard. Yippee! I was so happy I almost went into labor! But not quite.

For those of you interested in my latest ob checkup keep reading...
As of yesterday I'm up to a 3! Only 7 to go and we get to find out if this is a boy or girl. After sending belly photos last night to my Brazilian belly expert (aka, hubby's sister who has seen lots and lots of pregnant bellies) I'm told I'm having a girl. One thing is for sure, it is not an "Other" like some of you jokesters voted for!

I'll try and post some pics and stories from Spring Break in Chicago soon...it was a very blessed and stretching time for all of our students and EDGErs! Thanks for praying for them!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

From one Windy "city" to another

Well, just 24 hours ago four brave EDGEr staff and 22 students headed for warmer weather...err...headed to Chicago for Spring Break!

Up until 2 days before the trip hubby was planning on going. The brave, supportive, strong wifey was up for this. The 10 1/2 months pregnant, hormonal, exhausted wifey was feeling a bit weepy and wimpy at the prospect of single parenting for 7 days. In the end, hubby decided on his own to stay home and get ahead on work here before Thing 3 arrives. Last night as I awoke to strong contractions I was thankful for the millionth time that he was here and not in Chicago. (The contractions stopped, obviously). I know that if God had him there, He would have given me the resilience to keep up with the Things on my own. But I'm also thankful He didn't ask that of me.

Anyways...please be praying for our EDGErs as they are completely capable and completely in charge of the trip. Pray for the hearts and lives of the students to be changed as they serve in various missions around the city. Going to such a big city will be quite a challenge and shock for many of these farm "kids" which is partly why we chose this trip. Thankfully, hubby's brother and sister in law are close by in Chicago and their church is housing our whole group.

A schedule:

Saturday - leave 8 a.m. sharp (right.), drive ALL day
Sunday - relaxing/bonding, making lots of food in the little church kitchen for first time!
Monday - our sightseeing day taking Chicago's public transportation
Tuesday - serving @ Breaking Ground doing lots of different tasks (tutoring adults, doing maintenance & roadside clean-up, cleaning facilities, helping in whatever way serves their organization)

visit breakingground.net

Wednesday - serving @ Cornerstone Community Outreach helping them feed and house thousands of Chicago's homeless in the northside

visit ccolife.org

Thursday - same as Wednesday (again, right. I can't imagine it being the same), with processing time for the week
Friday - drive back to SD

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Games they play

When left alone I'm always amazed at the mischief...errr...games the boys can come up with. The other day for the few minutes that I had locked myself in my bathroom the boys decided to take Thing 1's million piece train puzzle and play "Snowball fight". Within a couple minutes (for I dare not take any longer) there were pieces from end to end of our house. I also dared not reveal my amusement for their creativity...just firmly insisted it be cleaned up right away.

When I returned home one afternoon after hubby had been home with them, he informed me that the Things had been in the basement playing "David and Goliath." Apparently one of them was David and armed with all the balls in the house and the other Thing was forced to be Goliath and on the receiving end of all the balls. This lasted until Goliath got hurt...at least they are biblically accurate in their play.

I sure hope that Thing 3 is tough and well padded!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A glimpse of spring

Living out of town on a dirt road with a dirt driveway has its advantages...at least if you are 2 and 4 year old boys it does. Now that the boys are healthy (dare I say it) and I'm on my way to being healthy thanks to some trusty antibiotics, we were able to enjoy a rare but welcome 40 degree day last week.

And when the weather isn't nice and the Things aren't busy playing "army guys" (yes, we've just about worn out one set of camo already), they are almost always asking to read books. Hubby, being my hero once again has been doing a lot of that reading while I've been laid out with this stubborn cold. He pushed me out the door to the doctor on day 13 of my plague and three tissue boxes behind us. I'm thankful not only for him stepping in with the boys when I just couldn't muster the energy, but also for his wisdom in making me go to the MD when I was reluctant to. Why is it so easy to take your kids and tell your hubby to go, but so hard to go yourself???

I can hardly believe we have only 5 weeks to go until we meet our little honeydew (that is the fruit of the week...weighing in at 5 1/4 lbs on average). Though if the size of my belly is any indication it is more like carrying around a watermelon. I told my OB last week that I felt like we were both running out of room and he said, "Yup, you are looking pretty full." Nice...

It will be really fun to find out what this little one is! Thing 2 continues to insist on a boy while Thing 1 (already knowing what it is like to have a little brother) is adamant that it be a girl. We will see which one has the gift of prophecy soon enough. I've gone back and forth feeling like it is one or the other. I can honestly say I'm at the place where I would be equally excited for either...just for very different reasons. If it is a boy, I'll start counting down the days until they will all be deer hunting with Dad and I'll get to join in the fun at craft weekend again. :)

I'll leave you with a glimpse of my crazier side....I have to try really hard to surprise hubby after all these years and I think I caught him by complete surprise with his valentine this year. :) Here is the picture I put on his homemade card: