I can hardly believe 3 years have passed since Thing 2 came into our world. We celebrated with a fun party last night complete with an Army cake, triple chocolate ice cream (he picked out the flavor, I swear!), and a blur of flying wrapping paper. It is good we celebrated last night because this morning hubby and I were pretty much comatose after being up a bit with him and a not so well timed asthma flare up.
When I was "sleeping" I was really just dreaming about going into labor and feeling conflicted about T2 having to share his bday with a baby brother or sister. Whether it was all the dreams or it is really reality, I feel convinced this baby will be here within a few days. Time will tell. And then I'll really remember what it is like to make coffee while mostly asleep.
Despite our fatigue we rallied for a traditional pancake breakfast complete with a #3candle and little plastic army guy. We all took turns sharing what we like about Thing 2 and this is how the conversation went:
T2 - "I like army guys"
T1 - "I like T2 b/c he is my friend"
Hubby - "I like T2s eyes b/c they remind me of his mom's" (ahh)
T1 - "I like that he plays hide and seek with me"
Me - "I like his smile b/c it is so cheery"
Thank you, Abba, for T2 and his funloving presence in our lives. We pray he will grow healthy and strong and in the knowledge and acceptance of Your love for him this year.